Thursday, November 20, 2008


When I lived in my parent's house, every night I heard, "Hey everybody dinner is ready!" and everybody ran to the table because my mom's cooking was delicious.
But now I am convinced that those days don't happen anymore. Now everyone focuses on their own activities.
Nowadays things have changed and everyone has a lot of things to do and it's impossible to be with family during these times.
Now I know the happiness that my mom used to feel when we all used to eat together.
Us as parents we should try to keep the family together and try not to lose our values.


Anonymous said...

You are rigth, I still dreaming on the same thing, since my mother died six years ago, my brothers and sisters have their own plans and for many reasons we can't see each other, I hope some day the ten of us can be toguether.

Anonymous said...

My mom is teling a story that i dont want to happen to me and family i hope to have a strong bond with my brother and sister.

Anonymous said...

This story that my wife wrote is very sensitive And I want to congratulate her for all the hard work, and improvement on her life.

Anonymous said...

I try to make sure my family sits down to dinner at least 4 nights of the week. It's a special time for us to talk about our day and be together. They've actually shown in research that families who have dinner together more often are stronger and the kids are also less likely to do drugs and get involved in other activities that we, as parents, don't want them to do.

There are many other ways to from strong bonds within a family, that's for sure, but having dinner together is one of the best. I hope you can find the time to make it happen. It might be different from what you remember as a child, but you will still be making great memories for your own children.

Anonymous said...

First at all I want to say hi. Now we are in different classes. Which mean I miss you. However I like your story and your families comments. Thanks for being my friend.

Anonymous said...

being together when you have a family is very important but even though lives can get very busy dinner time should always be that part of the day where everyone can be together i have two kids and i make it a point to at least eat together every night even if they do not like it if they do not want to it can be possible you just have to make it happen I wish it will get better for you

Anonymous said...

I remember when my whole family use to sit at the table and have dinner, but now I guess everybody s has grown up.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Esperanza I feel the same way about dinner time as you. But beleave it or not im still that way with my family. Me and my children still have sunday dinners, and we all eat together at the same time. Because I really do beleave in family time.

Anonymous said...

HI!!! I hope you always can have all you family together,dinner is always the most important meal to us too. because all the family can be together.