Thursday, November 20, 2008

!!HA-HA-HA!! Everybody laughing. I can't forget that day because it was the most terrible day in my life when I was a child. I was in the middle school in Mexico. I was in 4th grade. That day we were in recess and everybody was playing jump rope. When my turn came and I was ready to go and jump. I fell down on to the floor. In that moment I wanted to die or disappear. This is the mos terrible moment that I will never forget. Now when I remember that time I laugh too. Now I can do it, but not in that moment.


Anonymous said...

Time passing has a way of making things a little easier to deal with. It's interesting to me how these memories stay with us for so long. Great story!

Anonymous said...

I remember I had some enbressing moments in elementary, now that am older I think about those great memories.

Manuel Ibarra

Anonymous said...

I remember the good old days. I had a lot of embarrassing moments, but when I sit back, I just laugh.
Of course, it is not funny at the time, but now it is.

Anonymous said...

I think that if i was in that sisuation i would laugh and try to play it off, even though if they were laughing I would laugh with them.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to stand back up and face everyone once something like that has happened. Kudos to you!