Thursday, February 11, 2010

An Appreciation For Teachers!!

I can still remember the first time I saw 28 kindergartens sprawled on the floor. It was the first time we had to bring snacks to my daughters class.My husband and I only brought some cup cakes and juice as I remember.

This is my daughter's first year in school. She's only 5 years old. As we arrive,we noticed that all the kids were concentrated in class, but I don't know what the cup cakes and juice did to them. Because as soon as they saw what we had brought they went wild. 8 of the 28 kids started talking. The kids that were talking were: Yadira, Reyna, Grettell Angel R,Angel G, Xitlalic, Yaretzy and of course, last but not least, Alexia, my daughter.

They were interrupting the whole class. Mrs.Quijano, their teacher, tried to get their attention back. Their class was about colors,shapes,how to count to certain number, also about sounds. Anyways sounds interesting for a kindergarten kid right!? But not for those ones. As we continue, we noticed something really important for us parents and students. We notice that never appreciate what teachers do for our kids and our selves.

Can you imagine a kindergarten teacher with 28 5 year olds!? I'm sure she gets headaches, bad mood, even an attitude, but they control it. It's part of their job, but they are humans like me and you. In the mean time as parents we don't even try to help them. You know we also can do some volunteer work. We can try to get our kid's teacher a break. I'm not saying 30 or 45 minutes, but a few minutes.

We all need those minutes, if you know what I'm talking about. We really need to start recognizing the effort that teachers do for our kids and for us. So in this letter I would like to give a thank you to Yumi Quijano for putting up with my daughter, and a big thank you to Sue, my G.E.D teacher. Thank you for everything you guys do for my family. Also thank you on behalf of all students like me and my daughter, to all nation wide teachers.



sue said...

You are so welcome. And thank YOU, too; it is a pleasure to come to class every day with students like you! :)

Gmartin300 said...

Your story is touching as I was in education for 40 years. I had a fellow who volunteered in my classroom for 10 years and I know we saved many students between us from dropping out of school.
Tomorrow I am driving 3 hours to my granddaughter's kindergarten to read to them for Dr. Suess' birthday. That is how strong I believe in classroom volunteers and I will also have fun. GM

Anonymous said...

As a teacher, I so appreciate your efforts to support the teachers in your life. We can't do it alone! It truly takes a village to raise a child!

Cristina said...

It's a funny story but it's true. I agree with you i think being a teacher it's not an easy job to do specially with kids that age i would go nuts! I liked your story.

Vicky said...

Great story Rachel I loved it. And I think I would go crazy too with so many little kids around yup I would surely go insane.