Thursday, February 19, 2009


When I knew I was pregnant I had both feelings, fear and happiness. Fear because I didn't know how I could be a good mom and my life will be transformed for ever, and happiness because I'll be able to discover it.

All the nine months of my pregnancy were too hard, because I was very sick, with nausea, dizziness and a high blood pressure that kept me on bed almost all the time.

When I was ready to labor, something happened that I couldn't have a natural labor, so it was a C-section. I'd been tolerating so much pain, but when I saw my baby for the first time, I forgot it all.

I spent four days in the hospital and I didn't recover my health for a long time.

It was 5 years ago and today I'm so happy to have a son like this. I love him so much and he's the purpose for my life. His name is Gabriel.


Anonymous said...

Gabriel is very lucky to have you for a mom!
Like you, I will never forget the day my sons were born.

Anonymous said...

I think our kids are the most important thing in our lives.

Anonymous said...

I think you are a great mom. I think every mom love her kids. I have two kids and I love them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia. Gabriel is a great name. I like so much.

Anonymous said...

Felicidades Sonia en tu nuevo bebe que Dios te lo bendiga y cuide. Cuidate y te esperamos pronto por estos rumbos

sucena said...

Felicidades Sonia I would like to see a picture of gabriel, please post one for me.Iam sure he is happy with his family i miss all of you.