Thursday, December 18, 2008

"I think my water broke"

"I think my water broke" were the words that my wife told me on Dec.5. I looked at her and was like what do u mean your water broke. My son wasn't supposed to be here till Dec 12. I took my wife to the hospital were they confirmed that it was her water that had broke.

It was already about 11am when the doc then came in said they were going to go ahead and do the c-section @1:30pm boy was I nervous. I then called my family to let them know my son was coming. 1:30 came around and the doc came and gave me this gown and head cap to put on before they took my wife into the operating room.

As I was waiting very calmly I then heard my son let out a loud but healthy cry. As my eyes filled with tears of joy I leaned over and gave my a kiss and told her how much loved her I then looked at my son again and realized how much hair he had on his little head and boy did he have a head full of hair.

The nurse then asked me to cut the cord witch wasn't very easy "boy those things are hard to cut". The nurse cleaned my son up and handed him to me were then I took him over to let my wife see are bundle of joy. The nurse said that I could take my son to the nursery Witch I took my time doing very nervously.

At the end of the hall before the nursery was family and friends ready to take pictures like the pauperize. After everyone was done taking there pictures of my beautiful son I then carried him into the nursery were they then weighed him at 7lbs,3.5oz,19inches long.

Man was I one proud father again I was stuck on cloud nine witch I'm still there. January 5Th my son turned a month old boy does time fly by. Well that's my fourth experience becoming a father again hope you enjoyed it I sure did.


Anonymous said...

congratulations.having a new baby is always special.

Anonymous said...

I had same experience with your wife. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

congratulation!=>I have one on the way,I'll be excited just as you were!
what was his name?