Ok, so I've been thinking about the summer, and about how we all (even me!) have to keep on learning, even though we won't be in school. Here's a little story:
I attended my first piano lesson today. I've always wanted to learn, but never had the opportunity. My neighbor is a piano teacher, and she said she would teach me. It was scary at first. Then I sat at the piano and my teacher taught me how to play not one, but FOUR scales in one day! I can now play the C, D, E, and F scales on the piano! I couldn't do that when I woke up this morning, but I can now.
Then my teacher had me open one of the books I had brought. It was one of my son's books from about two years ago.... yes, today I began my journey in piano using the same materials my children learned from! I was amazed to learn about so many things I'd seen before, but never really understood. It was like learning a new language! Or algebra!
Anyway, this summer I am going to try and practice piano for at least 1/2 an hour five days a week. I know it will take time and commitment, but I am willing to do it. I'd like you to spend some time thinking about these questions.....
* What do YOU want to learn and practice this summer?
* What are you willing to spend time and effort on?
Because the fact is: if you don't use it, you will lose it.
You are your own best teacher. Always remember that. Read. Write. Divide. Blog. Participate. Speak. Practice. But how? One way, of course, is to use the internet
To help you out, I have made for you a "Delicious" account! I know you probably don't understand how exciting that is yet, but wait until you try it! Basically, a Delicious account is a place to bookmark websites. It's like a giant address book of all your favorite websites, all in one place.
Ok, enough explanation. Check it out for yourselves. There are bookmarks about local organizations and news sources, there are bookmarks that will take you to websites about pronunciation, there are bookmarks for math videos and math practice. There are even bookmarks to help you find something fun and different for you to do this summer!
If YOU find a website that YOU like, you will also be able to add them! I'll teach you how before the year is out.
Ok, are you ready?
Here it is!